The 3 Basic Camera Settings

If you are just getting started with videography you will need to learn some of the basics of camera settings. These settings are the same no matter what camera you use but each camera has a different way of adjusting the settings.  In the next few minutes you will have an understanding of how each setting will affect your image.


Think of iso as your camera’s brightness, the higher the number the brighter it gets. Although ISO is helpful with making the image brighter you want to keep your iso as low as you can without having too dark of an image. If you have too high of an iso your image will come out noisy and pixelated. You might also want to keep in mind if your camera has any native iso which means the camera performs best at that iso setting; lets say your camera has dual native iso at 400 and 1250, that means when you set your iso to either 400 or 1250 then the camera will look its best without any noise or pixelation. If you want to know what best iso to shoot on your camera then I would search: “(Camera model) best iso setting.” Iso isn't your only setting that changes how bright your image is, your iris also can help with that.


The aperture or F stop on your camera helps adjust both brightness and blurriness of background. The lower the number the brighter it gets and the blurrier the background gets, and the higher the number the darker the image gets and clearer the background gets. Most lenses range from f/1.8-f/22 and usually the cost of a lens will depend on how fast/low the aperture can go. Using the iso and aperture with each other can help create well exposed image.

Shutter Speed/Angle

The shutter speed is what tells the camera how long to leave the sensor exposed to light. The rule for shutter speed is always double your frame rate or 180 degrees if you use shutter angle. If your camera has the ability to set shutter angle instead of shutter speed I would recommend doing that because you will be able to set it and forget it. When using shutter speed you will have to adjust it every time you change your frame rate. If you have to use shutter speed make sure you are using a shutter speed that is double or close enough to double your frame rate. if you are shooting at 24 fps then you want to have a shutter of 1/50 or 1/60. If you are shooting 60 fps then you will want to use a shutter of 1/125. If you do not set your shutter speed at the right setting you will get more or less motion blur than you might want. If you keep to the 180 degree rule or double your frame rate then your image will look more like how the human eye sees the world.


All three of these settings work in unison to adjust the look of the cameras image. Take some time to learn how each setting is adjusting your image on your camera and use some trial and error to see what works for you.

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